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Sydney (Macleay Museum)
Summary Description with Links:

Macleay Museum

(Sydney University)


-Entomology, Herpetology, Ichthyology, Mammalogy, Ornithology.

 The Macleay Collections consist of these five (5) parts:

  • Insects where are housed over half a million specimens dating from 1756.

  • Natural History collections (mostly from Australia) which are well documented and computer catalogued consist of
    • some 9000 birds;
    • some 1500 mammal specimens;
    • some 1370 reptile specimens;
    • some 1570 fish specimens; and
    • some 1000 amphibian specimens.

  • Ethnography comprising some 6000 objects from Australia and the Pacific region

  • Scientific Instruments containing some 1000 items in the collection. Microscopy and electrical apparatus are well represented.

  • Historic Photographs contains approximately 50,000 images dating from the late 1840s, covering such subjects as history of science, social history, ethnography, architectural history, photographic history. The collection can be a valuable research tool for historians, heritage consultants, museum researchers, students, builders, designers and others.

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