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Email: Museums@NatureQuest.net
Oslo (The Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden)
Summary Description with Links:

The Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden



-Botany, Mammalogy, Meteorites & Planetary Science, Mineralogy, Vertebrate Paleontology

 This is a complex of four (4) museums, each with its specific collections and exhibits as follows:

  • The Botanical Garden contains some 1800 different plants arranged according to family and genus. Here one can find some 300 medicinal plans (the Economic Garden), some 1450 species of plants covering the mountain flora of Norway and of other mountainous areas such as Caucasia (the Rock Garden). A permanent exhibition of "botanical art" (the Dagny Tande Lid) is also available to the public.

  • The Zoological Museum consists of five (5) main sections -
    • The Introductory Hall contains exhibits showing the diversity of life forms, results of animal migration studies and examples of ecological adaptation;
    • The Norwegian Hall shows the animal life of Norway from the seashore to the highest windswept peaks where the ptarmigan finds its precarious basis for existence. Everything is displayed in its natural habitant. Here, for instance, you can see a beaver dam or watch the pre-mating antics of a wood-grouse!
    • The Spitsbergen Hall shows scenes from arctic animal life;
    • The Animal Geography Hall you will find animals from the whole world -from penguins in the frozen landscape of the South Pole to chimpanzees and okapi in the rainforest of Africa; and
    • The Systematic Hall where there is a display of Norways animals, from the single celled organisms upwards to the largest mammals. You can also listen to recordings of animal sounds in this hall.

  • Mineralogical-Geological Museum consist of various gemstone mostly of Norwegian origin and a number of Norvegian meteorites and a sample from the Moon!

Paleontological Museum where you will be greated, in the Main Hall, by a ten metre long skeleton of the dinosaur Iguanodon, which lived 140 million years ago. A 400 million year old sea scorpion is also on exhibition here together with trilobites, cephalopds and some of the oldest fishes. A million year old giant ground sloth from South America is also in this hall. The evolution of man can be studied here too. The adjoining Dinosaur Hall contains a collection of skeletons and drawings of reptiles that lived on the land, in the air and in the sea. A dinosaur nest, containing six eggs, can also be seen here.


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