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Bristol (University of Bristol Paleontology Research Group)
Summary Description with Links:

University of Bristol Paleontology Research Group


-Paleontology (Fossil Record 2, Fossil Tetrapod Families, Cladestore, Cladestrat, Dinobase)

 The University's Geology Department is an established research center in micropaleontological studies and research. Currently the Center is the home of a small but diverse group working with a number of microfossils (such as foraminifera, palynomorphs, ichthyoliths, and microvertebrate remains).

The Paleontology Research Group maintains important online resources in paleontology as follows:

  • The Fossil Record 2 is a near-complete listing of the diversity of life through time, compiled at the level of the family. The database is available in various forms so you can download all or part of the listing, or search for particular families, orders, phyla. And iff you have access to a Java reader, you can manipulate and plot the data as well.
  • The Fossil Tetrapod Families provides an online listing of some 840 non-singleton tetrapod families giving stratigraphic range, geographic distribution, and broad ecological category.
  • The Cladestore is an electronic source of data matrices from published cladograms. For further information on submitting a data matrix, e-mail your query to mike.benton@bristol.ac.uk.
  • The Cladestrat is a database that contains results of tests to compare cladograms with stratigraphy.

Finally, online, there is a dinosaur database called Dinobase containing a a list of dinosaurs, a classification of dinosaur, pictures and related resources.


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